UHC greets 5784 with Rosh Hashanah rituals – United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute

UHC members and guests gathered last week in the sanctuary at Temple Israel and virtually to celebrate the new year with Student Rabbi Rocki Schy, and later at Fairbanks Park in Terre Haute for Tashlich.
After Justin and Patricia attended Rosh Hashanah services, Justin paused in the entryway outside the sanctuary to review the congregation’s World War II Roll of Honor. Names included the late Walter Sommers and Herbert Kaufman, the only UHC member to fall in battle.
Reid Zoll began a tradition in recent years by distributing apples and honey to congregants on Rosh Hashanah. Prior to his passing in April, Reid made sure his estate would continue to fund the practice.
Here, Debra hands an apple to Izaak outside the Vestry Room. Lee, Tim and their son Zane baked vegan snacks for an impromptu oneg on Erev Rosh Hashanah.
Rocki led Tashlich services on the pier at Fairbanks Park.
Father Ron, retired pastor at Saint Margaret Mary Roman Catholic Church in Terre Haute, and Coco extended “Shanah Tovah” greetings.