INSIDE OUT 2 Writer Reveals New Emotion Characters That Were Cut From The Film — GeekTyrant

Pixar’s Inside Out 2 introduced several new emotion characters that entered the mind of the teenage character Riley, but there were even more originally planned to appear that didn’t make the final cut of the film.
The new character Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, and Ennuiwere almost joined by the likes of Shame and Guilt. This bit of information was revealed by writer Meg LeFauve in an interview with CB.
LaFauve explained: “We had a fisherman for ideas named Gail, and we went to the Facts and Opinions factory and saw how those were made. And that was super fun.
“I think in terms of emotionally, we really tried for quite a while to have Shame in the movie, and Guilt. Shame being more self-loathing, that thing that attacks you. And we talked to a lot of experts about it.
“The difference with shame is really not a great thing for you because it is just about attacking you. Whereas guilt is about taking responsibility and it’s a behavior, not who you are.”
The writer went on to explain why they ultimately didn’t use the character, saying: “But it really just never quite clicked. And for this version, because we really needed to center on Anxiety, it start to bifurcate too much of the storyline.
“But I do think we all have that self-loathing critic in our head, and we got to go there a little bit with the projections and how Anxiety can start to do that to you. So I think it’s in the movie, but that was one thing we explored that we didn’t ultimately feel was fruitful for this version.”
LeFauve also said that Procrastination Land was almost a thing: “I love Procrastination Land. I was sad it didn’t make the cut, but I understood why.
“I loved watching them run through a basically empty lot and then, all of a sudden, ‘Where’s Anger?!’ And he’s sitting watching television, and it was really, really funny. And Fear got a moment to inspire them all to go forward, but I understood why it didn’t make it.”
Shame and guilt would’ve been interesting to explore, but in the end they weren’t really needed. The movie worked great without them.
I loved Inside Out 2 and the story that it told. This is one of those Pixar films that I was able to relate to on several different levels.