Bankart Lesion – What You Need to Know About?

One of the complex joints in our body is the shoulder joint. It is a type of ball & socket joint where the humeral head serves as a ball and the acromion (a part of the scapula) forms the socket to which the upper part of the humerus fits. The shoulder joint is also known to be the most used joint of the human body as it comes into place with almost every arm movement.
Considering the activity level of the joint, it is also known to be among the most injured ones. Injuries to the shoulder joint could be serious, and they make it difficult for the person to make any movements involving the joint. Sometimes, the injury is so severe that orthopedic surgery is required for the treatment, and that often requires Orthopaedic Trauma Implants.
When we talk about shoulder injuries, dislocations are common, and anterior ones are most seen. Now, when anterior dislocation of the humeral head occurs, it is pushed forcefully against the anterior glenoid labrum. This results in a labrum tear of the anterior joint, and the condition is known as Bankart Lesion. This is what youll read details of in this post.
What is a Bankart Lesion?
Bankart lesion is the condition where anterior shoulder dislocation results in the glenoid labrum tear in the anterior joint. When this occurs, the stability of the shoulder joint is reduced, and the head of the humerus moves more than it should. Bankart lesions could also occur due to posterior dislocations but, such a cause is not so common.
While on the other hand, if the Bankart lesion is accompanied by a fracture of the shoulder socket, the condition will be known as bony or osseous Bankart Lesion.
What Are the Causes of Bankart Lesions?
High-energy trauma is the most known cause of Bankart Lesions. Besides this, sports injuries are also the other cause of the condition. Anyone could experience this condition, and people in their 20s are more susceptible. Some of the common causes of these lesions include:
Automobile Accidents
Labrum tear could occur due to a sudden blow to the shoulder that moves the ball out of its socket.
Sports Injuries
Collisions while playing sports are common, and such situations may result in shoulder dislocation that causes labrum tear.
Athletes like gymnasts, wrestlers, and skaters are prone to fall directly on their shoulders, and that may cause Bankart Lesions. Besides this, people who fall from stairs or even suddenly while walking could also experience such a condition.
Overuse Injuries
This is also one of the common causes of Bankart Lesions. Excessive use of the shoulder may loosen up the ligaments and make them unstable. Thus, using it the same way may tear the glenoid labrum.
What Are the Symptoms Associated with Bankart Lesions?
Symptoms of the condition may vary according to the severity while some of the common ones may include:
Weakness and instability
Reduced range of motion
Popping or grinding sound with the movement of the shoulder
How is the Condition Diagnosed?
Diagnosis of orthopedic issues often requires imaging tests but, physical examination plays a major role as well in deciding what type of test should be performed. It gives an idea to the healthcare service provider about the movements that are causing pain along with visible symptoms like deformity, swelling, and bruising.
X-rays are commonly ordered in orthopedic cases. Besides this, when an x-ray fails to provide any conclusive reports, other tests like MRI or electromyography may be done.
How is Bankart Lesion Treated?
Mild cases of the condition may be fixed with a targeted exercise program under a skilled physiotherapist. While on the other hand, if such a program is not suitable to fix the condition, surgery depending upon the severity will be performed.
Two types of surgical procedures are performed to treat Bankart Lesions:
Shoulder Arthroscopy
It is a type of minimally invasive surgery in which small orthopedic tools are used to repair the labrum. This procedure is known to be a quick one plus ensures faster recovery.
Open Surgery
This is a traditional surgical technique in which a bigger incision is made by the surgeon to expose the labrum and repair it using normal orthopedic implants and instruments.
For CE-certified orthopedic devices, contact Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., an Indian FDA-approved trauma implants manufacturer. The company also exports its products to different countries and is also looking for distributors of orthopedic implants in Thailand.