Learning ★★★★ — Jewish Renaissance

Another inspired idea in the writing is to have both Franco and Delvallé playing the roles of the counsellors to whom each turns as their relationship threatens to break down. It has flared into fury on Debs’ side and to Jonathan’s consternation, when he appears in tsitsit (fringed Jewish garment) and kippah.
Additionally, as their respective counsellors are not Jewish, they must ask questions about religious practices and the meaning of Hebrew and Yiddish used by their patients. This plot line doubles as a wonderfully useful device for anyone unfamiliar with the faith and Yiddishisms. I even recognised one of my own favourite settings of the ‘Mechalkeil’ (part of the daily prayer) in the music played by Franco right at the get-go of this beautiful operetta. Learning truly lives up to its title.
By Judi Herman
Photos by Sebastian Gonzalez
Learning runs until Sunday 16 February. 7.30pm, 4pm (Sun only). £22. Upstairs at the Gatehouse, N6 4BD. upstairsatthegatehouse.com