What are your talents? – United Hebrew Congregation Terre Haute

Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.
As the academic year ends for our students in K-12 and college, I’ve started to think about all the hope and talents these students possess.
But developing talents doesn’t end with formal schooling.
So, what are your talents?
Student Rabbi Rocki Schy offers succinct homilies and is a pro when reading Torah.
I know our congregation is filled with many talented people. First, Student Rabbi Rocki Schy offers succinct homilies, is a pro when reading Torah, and conducts well-organized and informative Torah studies.
Rocki also possesses a beautiful singing voice. We are so fortunate to have Rocki returning for the next academic year.
Rav Herschel knows his texts
Herschel Chait, aka Rav Herschel, has a deep knowledge of Jewish texts. Want to know how any specific text connect to other texts? Ask Herschel!
Steve Turetzky leads an awesome online service from Virginia and can sing, to boot!
Steve Turetzky is a congregant who lives in Virginia. He leads an awesome online service. He also can sing, to boot — something few of us can do.
Talented cooks are many. But one cook I know of is Scott Skillman.
Scott can cook up just about anything but says he makes a mean brisket. So, Scott, when do we get to taste that brisket?
Scott’s an organizer
He’s is also a great event organizer. The Yom Hashoah program we held last April at the Temple was certainly evidence of that ability.
Business sense is an important factor in keeping the congregation going.
Jo Einstandig and Laney Meis keep us on track in our decision-making.
Jo Einstandig and Laney Meis keep us on track in our decision-making. Bruce Black is meticulous in keeping the books and paying the bills.
Patty Lewis has many talents, including artistic abilities. She can paint and excels in many crafts. Her work decorating the Vestry Room for onegs and other events and holidays gives witness to the artist in Patty.
Norma knows how to listen
Norma Collins has many talents, but one I’d like to highlight is her listening ear.
Congregants and former congregants often call Norma just to chat, share good news, or just talk about their troubles.
Congregants and former congregants often call Norma just to chat, share good news, or just talk about their troubles.
Many others in our congregational family have talents. Do let me know what talents you have, and I’ll highlight them in future columns.
A tribute to Reid Zoll
On another note, I’d like to pay tribute to Reid Zoll, who had deep roots in our congregation and passed away at age 72 on April 22.
Reid graduated from Gerstmeyer High School. A well-known businessman, he lived in Florida for several years, but moved back home to the Wabash Valley.
When Reid came back home, he found the love of his life, Peggy.
We will all mist Reid. May his memory be a blessing.
Betsy Frank
Betsy and Dick Frank attended Indiana State University Spring 2023 Commencement to celebrate the graduations of Ezra Pennington and Drew Daner, two students who made great contributions to UHC during their academic careers.
Drew will teach ESL to Israeli children during her 10-month Masa Israel Teaching Fellows With Israel Experience and Ezra will continue his education in pursuit of a Master of Library and Information Science degree.
Congratulations to the new graduates!