Unique Glimpse Into The Secrets Of Mysterious Ancient Egyptian Manuscripts And Sacred Tablets Deliberately Hidden From The Outside World

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Hidden from the outside world for thousands of years, the box was safely guarded by men who were keepers of sacred ancient wisdom. On top of the box was a symbol of a powerful pharaoh.
One explorer was permitted to view the box’s contents and discovered a precious ancient Egyptian manuscript written by a remarkable person who Egyptologists admit they still know almost nothing about. The identity of this person was kept secret, known only to those close to the pharaoh and his father.
The enigmatic and intelligent author of the ancient Egyptian manuscript translated sacred tablets brought to Egypt thousands of years ago. Determined to preserve the knowledge of ancient civilizations for future generations, the manuscript was written over many years and then hidden.
Our quest for hidden ancient Egyptian knowledge takes us on a long journey back in time. We will visit two continents, meet keepers of sacred wisdom, and uncover the secrets of a mysterious ancient Egyptian manuscript still virtually unknown to the Western world. Who was the mysterious author of the manuscript? What happened to the sacred tablets? What does the manuscript reveal about civilizations and worlds before our own?
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